Pankaj Trivedi

Associate Professor, Microbiome network and Department of Agricultural Biology, Colorado State University

Pankaj Trivedi is an Associate Professor in the Department of Agricultural Biology and a member of CSU Microbiome Cluster hires in the College of Agriculture at the Colorado State University. Research projects in Trivedi Lab address the assembly, fitness and roles of plant, insect, and soil-associated microbiomes; how these are influenced by various biotic and abiotic factors; and what are their consequences on plant productivity, agro- ecosystems sustainability, and local and global level ecological processes. By providing systems-level understanding of plant microbiomes the research will develop new computational tools and host/microbiome models that enable plant breeders and plant ecologists to predict beneficial interactions to achieve improved yields and plant resilience in changing environments.

Lab website



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Philip Townsend


Zhiwei Ye