Forest Isbell

Forest Isbell

Associate Professor, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, University of Minnesota

Forest Isbell is actively involved in international science-policy efforts, including contributing to multiple expert information documents for the UN Convention on Biological Diversity and several assessments by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. He has served as the director of the MnDRIVE Environment program (2022-2023), the associate director of Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve (2015-2022), and on the editorial boards of Ecology Letters, Oecologia, and other journals. His research considers how human activities are changing biodiversity, and how changes in biodiversity cause changes in ecosystem functioning, stability, and services, often with a focus on plant diversity in grasslands and forests. He has also reintroduced bison to an oak savannah more than a century after their extirpation. His research has been published in the top scientific journals and he is recognized as a Clarivate highly cited researcher.





Ruqi Yang


Kyle Kovach